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About the Program

A smiling photo of an Asian woman and her daughter with her arms wrapped around her mother's shoulder.

Our innovative program is designed by professionals to help you detox from alcohol, stimulants or cannabis, safely from home.

Over 12 months, you'll receive premium care from leading addiction clinicians in Australia.
A picture of a woman writing in her diary with a dog sleeping behind her on the couch.

Detox from the

comfort of home.

Undergo medicated detox without needing to go to a clinic. There's no need to put your life on hold.

A picture of a woman in light green medical scrubs with a stethoscope and a love heart in her chest pocket

Experienced medical supervision.

Our qualified doctors and nurses specialise in addiction. We know how to help you, and can guide you every step of the way.

A picture of a smiling elderly couple

Tailored & unique to you.

No matter what your long-term goal is after detox, whether that be abstinence or not, we’ll support you to reach it.

A picture of a pregnant woman hugging her partner while he's cooking

Tried and tested approach

We have successfully supported over 500 clients through withdrawal – 95% of those who give us feedback rate the service as excellent.

95% of clients agree or strongly agree that they find the technology easy to use.

Our 3 stage process is simple and effective.

Clean Slate Clinic detox pack

Stage 1: Preparation and Assessment

We ensure that you are psychologically, socially and physically prepared for detox success post withdrawal.

You will be appointed a dedicated specialist nurse, and given a care package to begin the program. In preparation for detox, we will work with you to set your goals and deeply understand what is triggering your use, so that we can begin to put in place the changes you’ll need for long-term success.

Stage 2: Detox

In this stage, we support you through a medically supervised detox at home, that patients would typically go through in a hospital or outpatient clinic.

We will check in with you daily to ensure you are safe and comfortable, and make sure we adjust your medication if required.

A woman in light green scrubs talking to someone while with headphones on
A picture of a happy caucasian family

Stage 3: Aftercare

Over the remainder of the year, your dedicated nurse will continue to support you, initially through weekly follow-up and then less frequently as your confidence grows.

We will develop a tailored post-detox plan to equip you with the tools and strategies you need to manage your alcohol use. Additionally, you'll have the opportunity to participate in multiple peer-supported 'SMART Recovery' meetings each week, facilitated by our trained team.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the price of the program?
    Our service is currently available privately for all clients, and we have funded places available in Western New South Wales, Western Queensland and Central & Eastern Sydney, as well as for any BUPA members with full psychiatric cover. We hope to be able to extend funded access to other patients in the future. ​ The total cost of the program is $3,750, or we offer a twelve-month pricing plan of $350 per month to spread costs out over 12 months - this is typically significantly less than what clients were previously spending each month on alcohol. Bespoke pricing plans available on request.
  • Is the program covered by Medicare?
    Unfortunately no, not at this time.
  • I stopped drinking or went through a detox elsewhere. Can I still go through the program?
    Yes, we offer a tailored aftercare support program for those who have already completed detox. You can find more information on this service here.
  • Can I skip Phase 1 (Preparation) and start detox right away?
    Assessment and preparation are a very important part of the program, where we ensure an individual is physically and psychologically ready for detox. This is to ensure safety for each client. The changing of relationship with alcohol does start with a period of mindful drinking, which allows us to identify any triggers that you may have.
  • Do I need to tell anyone?
    We are a confidential service and will not share information with anyone without consent (except where required by law). However, we encourage every client to have a support person for safety and support, which will be discussed in the first appointment by the nurse. Ideally, a GP is also involved to ensure the continuity of care post-detox.

Need more information?

Watch Dr Chris Davis talk about the Clean Slate program, or reach out to our friendly team.

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